
Aerial Surveys and Digital Design

All the data from one flight

Our Services

  • Our drone-mounted LiDAR surveys provide accurate 3D data, including point clouds, elevation models (DEMs), and surface models (DSMs), ideal for mapping and analysis.

    Using a both photogrammetery & Lidar sensors we are able to penetrate vegetation getting an accurate reading of the ground and terrain features.

Point Cloud Data Set from Drone mounted Lidar Scanner
  • We can send you the data for your own use or process it for you. Using advanced software, we turn large datasets into usable 2D plans or 3D models, helping to identify important features, contours, grid points, buildings, and vegetation. We can export this in various file formats, including 2D plans and 3D models.

  • Using our in house 3d design capabilites we can manipulate the models, and include digital models of proposed buildings, suitable for use on planning applications and visualisations.

Survey deliverables

  • Using the latest camera drones we are able to create stunning videos and photographs of your chosen subject.

    Useful for estate agents, visual surveys and estimation.

  • We collect a huge amount of data in our surveys, but this doesnt mean we have to process it all.

    Our top of the range software will reduce the survey into its simplest form, a 2d plan or a set of dxf/ dwg gridpoints/ contours/ dem file.

    Whilst we scan your site we will also do a site survey using surveying equipments, ensuring all key data is picked up.

    If you decide at a later date you need some more information, we have the site mapped and we can provide further information upon request.

  • Our Lidar sensor will pic up around 1million points every second and flight time is on average around 30minutes, the lazers can penetrate vegetation.

    Once we import the data into our software we can isolate the ground and catergorise items, these can be removed from view leaving us with just the land. We can calculate accurate measurements, areas and volumes.

    Ths can be exported as pont clouds or even a meshes.

  • Using both photgrammetry and Lidar, we are able to scan and model up

Further Services

  • We can te the 3d data from the UAV and using 3d design software add extensions and alterations to existing buildings and new build schemes to prospective plots.

    All of the finished designs can be displayed as 3d models, 2d plans or rendered images.

  • We work closely with a planning consultant who is able ot offer advice and guidance, we work with this guidance to produce plans for planning applications.

Case Study: Land Survey, Derbyshire

Task: survey and process data for a new development site in Matlock, Derbyshire,

The data was to be used for the visualisation and further design of the development.

Client: Private

Equipment Used: Matrice M350 RTK with L2 Lidar Sensor, GNSS ground point

Survey time: 2hrs

Deliverables - all exportable as 2d or 3d digital files

Or display it in 3d

Click on the image to be taken to an online verison of the model.

Link Here

Our Equipment

  • Uses - Large Site Surveys

    Survey Types - Photogrammetry and Lidar

  • Uses - General Site Surveys

    Survey Types - Photogrammetry

  • Uses - Videos and Photography

    Survey Types - Photo and Video

  • Uses - Photogrammetry and Lidar Surveys, manual topographical surveys, and control point checks.

    Using a GNSS receiver improves the accuracy of our surveys and helps us identify and log key points in our UAV surveys.

Frequently asked Questions

Are you licensed?

Yes! we hold commercial drone licenses allowing us to fly, larger more accurate drones in closer proximity to buildings and people.

What is the accuracy

The accuracy of our surveys are around 2-4cm. We use additional processes such as a manual ground survey and Ground control points that allow us to provide a confimation of accuracy with our surveys.

How does it work

The drones (UAVs) utilise an international group of satellites called real time kinematics (RTK), RTK position the UAV with 1.5cm anywhere in the world. It is like GPS with a sat nav system, but this is only accurate to 3m, so RTK is much more accurate.

What does it all mean

RTK - Real Time Kinematics

VLOS - Visual Line of Site

UAS - Unmanned Aerial System

Discover the Possibilities

Excited about exploring new opportunities? Share your details and we'll get back to you promptly. We can't wait to embark on this journey with you!